Convenient Information Request form
Name: Middle:Last:
City: State: ZipCode:
Preferred Phone: Facsimile:
*Must match the eMail address that you are "Submitting on"
Your name and address will remain confidential.
We will share your comments with our staff and our membership committee only.
Rick, I would like to work with a personal broker!

Information about Real Estate Property Investments ~
I am interested in commercial property.
I am interested in residential property.
I need more information about buyer's representative services
I do not live in the United States ~ How can you provide services.
I am interested in selling property
Commercial property
Residential property
Rural farmland.
None of the above.
Follow-up ~
None needed, just wanted to leave my comments and get some information.
Please have a staff member contact me ASAP, thank you.

Please provide reason for your inquiry.
[1000 characters or less]

Rick Logsdon or one of our staff members will contact you within 24 hours, Thank you!